After a hectic week of running around, a quiet night alone is exactly what you need. But how do you embrace a night like this when you’ve been working from home for months? How can you make yet another quiet night alone fun when you would rather be having a cocktail with your friends at a swanky new bar to celebrate a special occasion? Here are 5 ways to jazz up a night alone so that it feels like a treat. Soon, you’ll be excited for more!
Wear a blouse.
It’s time to start thinking of a night at home as a special occasion. If you’ve recently Marie Kondo’d your wardrobe, then you know how important it is to wear clothing that makes you feel amazing. Even if it’s just comfy leggings with a white blouse, don a favorite in your wardrobe to make the night special. Better yet, buy yourself a new blouse to celebrate your new mindset. Be it a long sleeve blouse or a short sleeve blouse, a rustic blouse or a voluminous poplin blouse, a blouse akin to a suit or a blouse more like pajamas, this beautiful shirt is the perfect top to throw on with a skirt and ankle boots and strut around your living room.
Relax with CBD.
CBD is not THC, which is the cannabinoid in cannabis sativa that causes intoxication. Enjoying a CBD joint or an edible with CBD oil is more like having a glass of wine. It’s relaxing. But can you risk spilling red wine on your brand new white blouse?! With CBD, you won’t have to worry about staining your perfect top. Better yet, you also don’t need to venture to a dispensary to obtain edibles or prerolls that feature this cannabinoid. Buy online! Sometimes rolling hemp flower into a joint can be a hassle; instead, get your cbd joint prerolls as a delivery (as long as you’re 21 years of age). Once you take your first puff of hemp, you’ll want a pack of prerolls for every night in.
Watch a movie.
There is something different about watching a movie versus watching multiple episodes of a TV show. There is also great potential for coordinating your outfit with the era of the movie you choose. The Great Gatsby? Throw on the flapper dress collecting dust in your closet. Singin’ in the Rain? Cute boots, coats, your entire rain collection! Vintage Looney Tunes feature-length cartoons? Your makeup can be inspired by this classic style of cartoons. Whatever you watch, myriad accessories are available to turn your solo movie viewing into a special occasion.
After a stressful day, it can be hard (or downright impossible) to shut off the chatter in your brain. Sure, a CBD joint will help. But what do you do when you’ve started the movie, and your mind is still wandering to the similar technologies policy you have yet to review or the gift card you forgot to apply at checkout? Pause the movie, close your eyes, and sit up straight. Start counting your breaths. Breathe in for four counts, breathe out for four counts. See how long you can keep your mind focused on your breath. There are many ways to meditate, so if that doesn’t work for you, go on YouTube and find a method that does! Nothing should keep you from fully enjoying your cute outfit and your pack of joints.
Make something.
Everybody needs a creative outlet. Once you get yourself to truly relax, you may find that the creative juices start flowing. Prepare for this by getting some craft supplies on Etsy, or set up same-day delivery from your local craft store and let the special prices choose your new hobby for you. Roll up your sleeves, light up that joint, and let your mind run wild – even when your physical body can’t.